You’ve been here,
for years.
Every day you stand,
behind the counter
hours and hours
with that bad leg of yours.
They won’t give you a stool
that would be
too merciful.
So you force
the facade smile
only those
who have endured
a lifetime of struggle
can perform.
The actress in a play,
the bit part, corner
left of stage.
Keep smiling,
keep smiling…
do your best,
don’t complain.
You may believe,
you have become
almost, invisible.
As the lines of people
too busy to engage,
file past you
and you place their
items into bags,
I see you.
How you must dream
of all you have
and all the small decisions
both good and bad,
that led you
I hope, that you can find
the small moments
of happiness,
enough to keep fighting.
Though you may feel
the light within you has gone,
it still burns bright.
It’s never,
too late.